What can we do?
Going to start another fiscal year 2017-2018 and starting with some new officers, which is good and can be changeling. It is very...
March's Events
March coming events - Karaoke every weekend, St. Patrick's Day on the 17th we are having Corn Beef & Cabbage by the plate or all you can...
We Need to Support our Bartenders
Our Aeries is a family oriented atmosphere. Our bartender and trustees have a legal obligation to refuse service by our Aeries...
Christmas at the Eagles
We had a eventful Christmas season here at the Eagles #276. The month of December we had a vendor fair with several vendors and Santa...
You've Made A Difference As Thanksgiving Day approaches, Our blessings we recall; The things we are most thankful for, We recollect...
Did You KNOW?
Did you know: Since 1898, the Fraternal Order of Eagles has stood strong behind the men and women who serve our communities and protect...
Events @ Oskaloosa Eagles #276
Tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 28, 2016 we are having our annual Halloween Costume Party, with snacks, prizes, Karaoke, drink specials, jello...
Wonderful Volunteers
Oskaloosa Eagles #276 has the best volunteers in the world. Come on Wednesdays for Eagles Family Grill and meet them, without them their...
Getting along with one another!
Why is it that we tend to hurt one another by are words or actions. We are all human beings and we all have feelings and opinions, why...